Louisville Car Accident Lawyer

Car accident lawyers Louisville trusts to get it done

Auto accidents can be extremely frightening and confusing. If you or a loved one have been seriously injured, getting the medical help you need is the first priority. Serious injuries can have long-term consequences that you may not realize at the time of the accident or even in the days or weeks following the auto accident. In fact, you may not realize the long-term effects of your injuries until years down the road.

If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a car accident, the Louisville personal injury lawyers at Hughes & Coleman Injury Lawyers can help you fight for compensation. We have a long track record of recovering substantial damages for our injured clients and we want to put our resources to work for you to help you collect the compensation you deserve.

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What to do after a car accident in Louisville

Nobody ever gets behind the wheel of their car expecting to be involved in a collision. There's no way to anticipate such a traumatic event, and it's something that has the potential to completely change your life. The aftermath of a car accident can be extremely perplexing and disorienting. It's common for most people to be confused about handling a situation such as this. Hughes & Coleman Injury Lawyers are here to help you navigate the days, weeks, and months after an accident to ensure that your legal rights are protected.

We know what to do after a car accident so you can hold the at-fault driver accountable for their actions. We can guide you and support you, helping you make the best decisions possible to ensure a strong case for your claim.

At the Scene of the Accident

To get your case off to a good start, there are several things you should do while still at the accident scene. You must dial 911 and wait for the police to arrive and conduct an investigation. They should first write a police report and then the officer will generate and submit an accident report. Reports from car crashes provide valuable information about the accident and are often used as evidence in a legal case.

How to get a accident report in Louisville, KY

There are two ways to get an accident report in Louisville:

  • Electronically: You can get your accident report from the Louisville Metro Police Department (There is a $10 fee for each report)
  • In-person: You can pick up reports in person from LMPD Services at the Edison Center

Seek medical assistance

If you are involved in a car accident, you should seek medical attention immediately. This is not the time to worry about medical bills. You can take an ambulance to the hospital or get a ride to see a medical professional if your injury isn’t life-threatening. Insurance companies are in the business of making money, so if you choose to file a claim, they are unlikely to be on your side. If you fail to seek treatment soon after your accident, the insurance company could use your lack of urgency as evidence that your injury isn’t serious enough to warrant a fair settlement.

Even if you think you’re fine, the shock you’re experiencing could be masking the severity of your injury. Seeing a doctor is the only way to know the extent of your injuries with certainty. Follow their instructions if they recommend imaging tests, physical therapy, chiropractic treatments, or another type of treatment. Do not make a habit of missing appointments or allowing too much time to pass between them. If your treatment is inconsistent, the insurance company may deny your car accident claim or offer you a settlement that is less than you deserve.

Your medical providers will develop a treatment plan that they believe will aid in the recovery of your injuries, the management of any ongoing pain, and the reduction of your symptoms. You should follow their instructions until you heal or your doctor says you’ve reached your maximum medical improvement (MMI). MMI suggests that your condition is unlikely to improve with additional medical treatment.

Gather your own evidence

If able, take as many photos as you can at the scene of the accident. Photos can help personal injury claims by telling a story about how the crash happened, as well as the aftermath of the collision.

Motor vehicle accidents can leave accident scenes up for interpretation, especially when insurance companies do not want to pay. Having photos of the following can increase the likelihood of recovering compensation for an accident that wasn't your fault:

  • Photos of all vehicles involved in the auto accident
  • Photos of the surrounding scene
  • Photos of any witnesses or police
  • Photos of any traffic signs or signals

Contact an experienced car accident lawyer

If you've been injured in an accident, call Hughes & Coleman Injury Lawyers at 800-800-4600 for a free, no-obligation consultation with an experienced, compassionate member of our legal team.

There are no upfront fees and no attorney fees unless we are successful in recovering compensation for you. Our local Louisville personal injury lawyers can help you. We know Louisville car accident laws and will fight for every dollar you deserve.

Retain other documents and medical records

In any car accident case, evidence is crucial. It can help you prove who was at fault, your injuries, and the costs you incurred from the accident. Keep track of all the documents related to your case. Please forward any letters from the insurance company, bills from your doctors, or prescription receipts to us. We can keep track of all the records we’ll need to provide to the various parties involved in your claim.

Make a list of all treatments you receive, including the names, locations, and dates, so that we can request copies of your medical records. Keep detailed records of any out-of-pocket expenses incurred due to the crash. For example, if your car accident occurred while you were on vacation in Louisville and you had to extend your trip to see a doctor, you might be able to get reimbursed for your hotel stay and other expenses.

Louisville laws to know after being injured in a car crash

Many drivers assume that another driver must be entirely at fault for them to be eligible for compensation after an accident. In Louisville, Kentucky, this is not true for two reasons.

Kentucky Is a No-Fault State

Kentucky is a no-fault state which means that you will usually first turn to your own insurer to recover compensation. This means you can be 100 percent at fault and still recover compensation from your own insurer. If you meet certain criteria, you can step outside the no-fault system and file against another driver.

Louisville Follows a Pure Comparative Fault Law

The second reason you can still recover compensation when another party is not totally at fault is Kentucky's comparative fault laws. Per Kentucky's pure comparative negligence law, you can be 99 percent at fault for an accident and remain eligible to collect compensation from the other driver for the percentage of fault they bear.

How Louisville's Fault Laws Apply After an Accident

Suppose you rear-end another driver and suffer injuries. You have probably heard the adage that in a rear-end collision, the back driver is always at fault. However, this is not always accurate.

We might be able to show, for instance, that the driver you hit acted recklessly by slamming on the brakes without reason or that their brake lights were not working, which prevented you from recognizing that they were stopping.

After your rear-end collision, let's say you secure the services of one of our attorneys, and we investigate and determine that the other driver, indeed, had faulty brake lights. Because this defect contributed to the crash, it is found that the other driver is 25 percent at fault, while you are 75 percent at fault.

Suppose that damages from the accident amount to $10,000. Since the other driver was 25 percent at fault, you have grounds to pursue them for 25 percent of your damages, or $2,500. Proving fault and percentage of fault is extremely important.

Remember That the Other Driver Can Use This Law Against You

This law can also work against you in an accident. The other driver's attorney might dig and find a reason to pin a portion of the blame on you and be able to sue you after a car accident, even if you have insurance. That is why it is essential to speak with a Louisville car accident lawyer as soon as possible after your accident.

Louisville Car Accident

Why you need a Louisville car accident lawyer after a car crash

A personal injury attorney can help you in a number of ways following a car accident. If you've been injured, you may wonder why you need a personal injury lawyer. A few key reasons to retain an attorney include:

  • Car accident attorneys know the law and can take over communications with your insurance company and the other driver's insurance company to get you the money you deserve.
  • An experienced law firm will help you understand the value of your case and ensure you meet all deadlines to avoid missing statute of limitations laws in Kentucky.
  • Hiring a personal injury law firm doesn't cost you anything unless there is a recovery on your behalf through either a settlement or victory in court.

How to choose the best car accident lawyer for you in Louisville

After a crash, choosing a good car accident injury firm can be a bit overwhelming. So, how do you decide which is the best car accident lawyer for you? There are a few things that you should consider.

Louisville car accident on Shelbyville Rd.

A local accident lawyer in Louisville, KY, can be beneficial

Accident lawyers in Louisville know the city, are well-versed in city, state, and federal laws, and can help to ensure that all your bases are covered. Hughes & Coleman Injury Lawyers has two locations in Louisville and is conveniently located near you so that you can easily visit our law firm at either office. Being local also allows our team to visit you, as well as the scene of the accident, to document evidence that may help your case.

You need a personal injury attorney who specializes in car accidents

In a car accident case involving a personal injury, experience matters. You need a firm that has the resources to investigate, ensures you receive the medical attention you need and gets you maximum compensation for your injuries. We've been helping injured victims in Louisville for over 35 years and are here to help you get through this difficult time. Let us do the heavy lifting while you focus on your recovery.

You need a car accident claims firm that has handled thousands of auto accident cases

Look for accident lawyers who have enough experience to handle your auto accident case. Remember, you can only gain experience over the years and handling hundreds to thousands of cases. You only have one opportunity to pursue your claim. Ensure you have an experienced team behind you.

What are the most common causes of car accidents in Louisville?

Accidents can happen anywhere at any time. Collisions can occur due to various factors, including driver error and poor road conditions, but the causes of a car accident can vary widely and can often be the result of a combination of factors.


A driver may face several distractions while driving, such as texting, eating, and changing the radio. Concentrating on anything other than driving is dangerous and can result in a collision.


When a driver travels at a high rate of speed, he or she has less time to react to avoid an accident. It becomes even more dangerous when the road is wet from rain or has potholes.

DUI (driving under the influence) collisions

Alcohol and drugs impair a person’s ability to safely operate a vehicle. Drunk with a slower reaction time and other symptoms have a harder time recognizing and reacting to dangers on the road. If you were hit by a drunk driver in Louisville, a Louisville car accident lawyer can help.


There should always be enough space between two cars traveling side by side. If one driver follows another too closely, the risk of a rear-end collision increases if the driver in front suddenly brakes.

Reckless Driving or road rage

Defined under the law as driving a vehicle with reckless disregard for the safety or property of others, according to Kentucky law. Examples include making unsafe lane changes and running a red light.

Failure to yield

When necessary, drivers must yield to other vehicles. Auto accidents can happen when someone drives through an intersection or merges onto a highway without looking for oncoming traffic.

Driving while tired or fatigued

This can be just as dangerous as driving while inebriated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It has similar symptoms and impairs a driver’s ability to respond to an emergency, avoid a road hazard, and obey traffic signs and signals.

Poor road conditions

When a driver hits a pothole or can’t read an obstructed traffic sign, it can cause them to lose control of their vehicle.

Defective parts

A car accident lawsuit where defective parts are the cause of the wreck is often complex. They not only involve the insurance companies but also involve the manufacturer. In these types of cases, it is critical to speak with an accident attorney who can help identify all responsible parties and act in your best interest.

If any of these factors or another outside factor not listed above contributed to your motor vehicle accident, contact one of Hughes & Coleman Injury Lawyers’ Louisville car accident lawyers. We have years of experience investigating crashes to determine what caused them and proving who should be held responsible.

Louisville car accident lawyers can help with a variety of injuries

Injuries caused by car accidents may have a long-term impact on the lives of those injured in the accident. Perhaps you're unable to work due to a physical disability, or you've racked up a mountain of debt trying to cover your medical expenses. Injuries frequently necessitate medical attention to heal, causing undue stress and financial strain. Some of the most common injuries we see are:


Whiplash is a neck injury caused by a violent, rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck. Rear-end collisions are the most common cause of whiplash. Sports accidents, physical abuse, and other types of traumas, such as a fall, can all cause whiplash. Whiplash is also known as a neck sprain or strain, but these terms cover a wide range of neck injuries. Following a treatment plan that includes pain medication and exercise, most people with whiplash recover in a few weeks. However, some people suffer from chronic neck pain and other long-term consequences.

Various types of traumatic brain injuries

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a type of acquired brain injury that occurs when the brain is damaged by sudden trauma. TBIs occur when the head collides with an object suddenly and violently or when an object pierces the skull and enters brain tissue. TBI symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on the extent of the brain damage. A person suffering from a mild TBI may be conscious or lose consciousness for a few seconds or minutes. Headache, confusion, lightheadedness, dizziness, blurred vision or tired eyes, ringing in the ears, bad taste in the mouth, fatigue or lethargy, a change in sleep patterns, behavioral or mood changes, and problems with memory, concentration, attention, or thinking are some of the other symptoms of mild TBI.

Broken Bones

A fracture, also known as a crack or a break, is a broken bone. A bone can be fractured completely or partially in a variety of ways (crosswise, lengthwise, or in multiple pieces).

Although bones are rigid, when a force is applied to them, they bend or give slightly. Bones will break if the force is too great, just as a wooden ruler will break if bent too far.

Internal hemorrhage, or internal bleeding

Internal bleeding, also known as hemorrhaging, occurs when a blood vessel within the body is damaged. Minor hemorrhages, such as those caused by small, ruptured blood vessels near the skin’s surface, are common and usually only result in tiny red specks or minor bruising. Large, uncontrolled hemorrhages, on the other hand, are life-threatening and one of the leading causes of death around the world. Hemorrhaging is not a condition in and of itself, which means it always has a cause. A traumatic injury is the most common cause of a hemorrhage.

Paralysis and loss of movement

The loss of muscle function in a part of your body is known as paralysis. It occurs when the transmission of messages between your brain and muscles is disrupted. Complete or partial paralysis is possible. It can happen on either one or both sides of your body and can occur in a single location or across a large area. Paraplegia is the paralysis of the lower half of your body, including both legs. Quadriplegia is the paralysis of the arms and legs. The majority of paralysis is caused by strokes or injuries such as a broken neck or spinal cord injury.

Injuries to the neck and head

Most common neck injuries are a crick in the neck, a muscle strain, sprain, whiplash, arthritic herniated disc, tension (break in the cervical bone), cervical dislocation, stingers and burners (temporary injuries to the nerve root or brachial plexus), and a spinal cord injury.

Injuries to the spinal cord

The spinal cord may also be injured by damage to vertebrae, ligaments, or disks of the spinal column or spinal cord itself. There are several types of spinal cord injuries that can arise from a sudden, traumatic blow to your spine that fractures, dislocates, crushes, or compresses one or more vertebrae.


Concussions are brain injuries caused by traumatic events that affect your brain. These effects are generally temporary but can include headaches and issues with concentration, memory, balance, and coordination. A concussion usually occurs during a car accident because of a blow to the head.

Cuts and Lacerations

A cut or laceration describes a skin wound. Unlike an abrasion, none of the skin is missing. A cut is typically seen as a damaged spot caused by sharp objects, such as glass shards. Lacerations are often caused by blunt traumas.

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is pain that tends to persist beyond the normal recovery period or occurs along with a chronic illness, such as arthritis. Chronic pain may be “on” and “off” or continuous. People can be affected so much that they are unable to work, eat properly, participate in physical activity, or enjoy life.


An impairment in or injury to the beauty, symmetry, or appearance of a person renders the person unsightly, misshapen, imperfect, or deforms the individual in some way or otherwise causes a detrimental change in over 25% of the body that can be corrected only by cosmetic surgery.


Amputation is described by its meaning when a person loses an arm, leg, hand, foot, or toe. As a result of a violent car crash or a vehicle rollover, occupants inside a vehicle may suffer a limb loss or lose a finger or toe due to crush injuries. This disfiguring injury is a traumatic event that can lead to life-threatening consequences due to blood loss and shock or infection. As a result, emergency surgery is often required to save a person’s life.

If someone else's negligence caused an accident, you may be entitled to compensation to cover your medical expenses, property damage, and other costs. You've endured enough, and you have the right to pursue legal action against the responsible party.

If you've been injured in a car accident, call Hughes & Coleman at 800-800-4600 as soon as possible.

How much is my car accident case worth?

We get many calls from car accident victims wanting to know what their case might be worth. Although we cannot estimate a dollar value before conducting a full investigation of your accident, we can tell you that we are often able to recover a long list of damages for our injured clients. Your settlement or judgment could include any of the following types of compensation:

Medical Bills

Medical expenses include not only the costs you have already incurred but also the costs we expect you to sustain in the future. These include the costs of your hospital visits, surgeries and procedures, doctor appointments, prescription drugs, medical devices, future care, and more.

Lost Wages

Lost wages refer to the income you lose when you must miss work while recovering from your injuries. We can help ensure that the responsible party and their insurer compensate you for this loss.

Reduced Future Earnings

If your injury is especially severe, it can impact your ability to earn a living not just during your recovery period but on a long-term basis, maybe even for the rest of your life. When an injury impacts your long-term earning capacity, we pursue the responsible party to compensate you for the difference in what you are making now and what you would have been able to earn had you not been injured.

Property damage

In addition to injury claims, we can also help you recover compensation for property damage. This means that we can help you get maximum compensation for damage to your vehicle, as well as for other items in your car at the time of the accident that may have been damaged as a result of the car crash.

Pain and Suffering

You deserve compensation not just for your financial losses but also for the pain you have suffered because of your injury. We aggressively pursue the responsible party and the insurance company for pain and suffering and other noneconomic damages.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are meant to punish the wrongful party for gross negligence. A personal injury lawyer can argue for punitive damages on your behalf to help prevent future negligent conduct.

To learn more about what your case might be worth, call us today at 800-800-4600.

Our Louisville, Kentucky car accident lawyers are experienced in all type of wrecks

Every car crash is different, and our personal injury lawyers have experience with a wide range of cases. In Louisville, some of the most common auto accidents we see are:

  1. Rear-end collisions
  2. Sideswipe accidents
  3. Side-impact and angle collisions (including T-bones)
  4. Hit-and-Run car accidents
  5. Head-on collisions
  6. Highway collisions, often on Interstate 64, I-65, I-71, I-264, or the Gene Snyder
  7. Truck wrecks
  8. Multi-vehicle pile-ups

No matter what type of accident you've been in, call us today to talk through it. We're here for you 24/7.

How long do I have to file a claim after being injured in a car wreck?

Injury victims in Louisville have one year from the date of the accident to file a personal injury claim under Kentucky law. This time limit is referred to as the statute of limitations. When you decide to hire a personal an attorney for a car accident, they will ensure you meet all required deadlines. If you wait to file a claim, you could miss your chance to recover compensation. The longer you wait, the more challenging it will be to recover compensation.

Don't wait! Call us today at 800-800-4600

What to know about Kentucky insurance policies after a car accident

It's critical to understand that the insurance company will likely not provide you with the compensation you need, and dealing with the insurance company requires an experienced car accident lawyer to ensure you are represented and receive every dollar you deserve.

When it comes to your insurance and what you can receive when dealing directly with the insurance company, the amount depends on the type of coverage and amount of liability coverage listed on your insurance policy. If your expenses totaled $20,000, but the policy limit is only $15,000, you could only seek $15,000 in compensation. You'd have to find another way to make up for the rest of your losses, such as utilizing underinsured motorist coverage.

What is Underinsured Motorist Insurance, and what does it cover?

Underinsured motorist (UIM) insurance is an optional policy. A UIM policy provides coverage to accident victims when the policy limits of the at-fault driver aren't high enough to cover all losses. When you bought liability insurance, your insurance company should have offered UIM insurance, and you would have had to sign a form if you chose to forgo this coverage.

In some situations, the defendant may not have any insurance. In these situations, it's important to carry Uninsured Motorist Coverage or UM. A UM policy provides coverage to accident victims when the at-fault driver has no coverage.

Does Kentucky require personal injury protection (PIP) coverage insurance?

PIP coverage is a requirement in Kentucky for all auto insurance policies.

This insurance coverage covers injury-related costs of up to $10,000 per person, regardless of who was found to be at fault for the accident.

Can I still sue after an accident if the at-fault party has personal injury protection (PIP) coverage?

When you get PIP coverage along with your auto insurance, there are some restrictions on your ability to sue and be sued. Although these restrictions include seeking recovery for medical expenses, loss of wages, pain and suffering, and other related costs, there are exceptions that allow you to hold the at-fault party responsible, regardless of PIP limitations. One or more of the following thresholds must be met under Kentucky law:

  • $1,000 in medical costs
  • A broken bone
  • Permanent injury or disfigurement
  • Death (this includes bringing a wrongful death claim on behalf of a victim who has died as a result of the accident)

If any one of these is met or exceeded, you can file a claim against the at-fault party. A Louisville car accident attorney can help you recover medical bills and other damages. If you have been injured and have questions, call to speak with a representative of our law firm today or visit one of our accident lawyers in Louisville today at either of our locations.

Hire a car accident lawyer Louisville, KY has trusted for over 35 years

The car accident attorneys at Hughes & Coleman Injury Lawyers have been helping injured victims in Louisville since 1985 . Don't deal with the insurance companies on your own. After a wreck, ensure that you have experienced car accident attorneys on your side so that you can get the compensation you deserve.

We offer a 100% free case evaluation

If you've been involved in a car accident, give us a call. We always offer free, no-obligation consultations. We're here for you 24/7.

Over three decades of experience helping injury victims

We have decades of experience handling car accident cases that have ended with positive results for our clients. If your motor vehicle accident resulted in injuries, medical bills, lost wages, or pain and suffering due to someone else's negligence, our law firm is here to fight for you.

Over $1 billion recovered

We have recovered over one billion dollars for our clients in Kentucky and Tennessee.

If we don't recover for you, you don't pay

Our car accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, which means we don't get paid unless we recover damages for you.

We keep you informed

It's your auto accident case, and you should be aware of how it is progressing. We pride ourselves on keeping our clients up to date on how their case is moving forward and what to expect along the way.

We ensure you get the care you need

You should not have to think about medical bills after a motor vehicle accident. We help to ensure you receive the treatment you need so that you can focus on recovery.

Car accident lawyers in Louisville, KY can turn initial insurance offers into big settlements

A car accident attorney in Louisville understands what your case is worth, and how to deal with the insurance company to ensure you receive every dollar possible. In many cases, insurance companies will provide inadequate offers in the hope that you will accept. They are a business, like any other, and their goal is to protect their bottom line and pay you as little as possible.

When you hire a car accident lawyer Louisville has trusted for over 35 years, you will put yourself in the best position possible to recover all the money you’re entitled to. While some attorneys may take the initial offer, our legal team has shown time and time again that we will fight for every dollar you deserve. If the insurance company will not provide a fair settlement, we will not hesitate to push for more, and if needed, fight for you in court.

Here are just some of the cases that we have handled that demonstrate how we have fought to get our clients the compensation they were entitled to after low initial insurance offers.






What to expect when you call and when you become a client

We are dedicated to providing you with the most positive experience possible and the most effective legal representation for your injury claim. After a Louisville car accident, count on the car accident lawyers at Hughes & Coleman to protect your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve. Let us put our experience to work for you.

When you call, we'll talk through your case with you. If we can help, a Louisville car accident lawyer from our firm will begin working directly with the insurance company so that you don't have to and will continue to be your advocate through the entire process.

Client reviews & testimonials

Our personal injury law firm was built on the commitment we have to our clients and the results we deliver.

"I appreciate all that y’all did. If I ever need another attorney, Hughes & Coleman is the first place I'll go! And I will refer you to anyone in my family or friends...thank you so much!!"

Karen Druin
"Hughes & Coleman is a big supporter of our community. I know who to call if I need legal help because they have a qualified team working for their clients!"
Ashley Hurt

"What a great team to work with. Honest and caring people. Give them a call today for help!"

Clarissa Martin

Hire a car accident lawyer Louisville, KY trusts

If you've been injured and believe that you have a car accident claim, contact us as soon as possible. Even if you think it was a minor accident, many car accident victims later realize that the damages they have are much worse than they originally thought. Let us help you through this.

For a free, no-risk consultation with our team, call us today at 800-800-4600.

When you need a Louisville car accident lawyer near you

Visit our law firm at either of our two Louisville, KY, locations, or call us today

Hiring a car accident lawyer near you can ensure you always have access to your legal team and immediate help with your car accident lawsuit needs. We’re available for you to visit and meet directly with your attorney, or to speak with a member of our team about your case if you'd like to learn more about our services.

Hughes & Coleman Injury Lawyers

3618 Dixie Hwy
Louisville, KY 40216

(502) 585-4693

Hughes & Coleman Injury Lawyers

5004 Poplar Level Rd
Louisville, KY 40219

(502) 585-4025

Hughes & Coleman Injury Lawyers

725 Speckman Rd
Louisville, KY 40243

(502) 313-6763

Frequently asked questions and helpful tips

When trying to understand how long a car accident settlement will take, it’s important to understand the each case will be different. There are a number of factors that can impact the time it takes to settle a claim, including the extent of injuries, the insurance company, and more. Louisville car accident lawyers can help ensure that your claim progresses as quickly as possible while ensuring you receive every dollar you deserve. Speaking with an experienced attorney can help you better understand your unique situation.

If you were injured as a passenger in a car accident, you share many of the same rights as the driver. Depending on who is determined to be at fault, you can seek compensation from your own insurance company, the insurance company of the person that was driving the car you were in, or another driver’s insurance company. There are circumstances where you may seek damages from all parties as well. Contact a car accident lawyer Louisville, KY has trusted for over 35 years to help you through this time. Our legal team can help you understand your options today.

An experienced Louisville car accident attorney can work with healthcare providers and others to help you defer payments, or help you find other ways for how to pay your bills after a car accident that has left you unable to work.

Yes, you can still be held liable in certain cases even if you have insurance. It’s important to consult with an experienced accident lawyer who can help potentially reduce your share of liability.

It is all too common that injury victims experience primary care doctors that refuse to see them following a car accident. It can be the most frustrating part of the process because it can make you feel as though you have nowhere to go. Medical bills are one thing, but not having a doctor in your time of need makes a difficult situation even worse and makes recovering from your injuries very challenging. If you are struggling to find care, our car accident attorneys can help.

At Hughes & Coleman Injury Lawyers, we work for you on a contingency fee basis. This means we do not get a penny unless we recover a settlement or a verdict for you. When you call us, we start working on your behalf, and there is never an up-front fee.