Can We Reduce Pedestrian Accidents in Kentucky?

March 14, 2025

Pedestrian Accident Statistics

Pedestrian accidents can be incredibly impactful on victims and their families. They tend to cause serious injuries that can take months or even years to heal from. According to the CDC, around 140,000 emergency room visits in 2022 were direct results of pedestrians being treated for non-fatal injuries. That same year, “Over 8,000 pedestrians were killed on our nation’s roads in crashes involving a motor vehicle”. Lexington, Kentucky alone saw 20 pedestrian deaths and 52 total deaths from pedestrian accidents in 2023.

In The Article

What is the Most Frequent Cause of Pedestrian Accidents?

There are many factors that lead to pedestrian accidents. While many pedestrian accidents can be caused by jaywalking or other human error, even the time of day can cause impact as visibility is reduced for drivers.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the time of day the accident occurs matters. As a matter of fact, over 50% of pedestrian accidents in the US occurred between 6PM and 11:59PM.

However, one of the biggest culprits of pedestrian injury or death is distracted driving. When a person enters a crosswalk, with proper signage, a vehicle should not enter that crosswalk. It is Kentucky state law that “Whenever any vehicle is stopped at a marked crosswalk or at any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection, to permit a pedestrian to cross the roadway, the operator of any other vehicle approaching from the rear shall not overtake and pass the stopped vehicle.” This means, if a vehicle in front of you is stopped, even if there are two lanes, you should exercise extreme caution, as that vehicle could be letting a pedestrian pass.

Other variables that lead to higher rates of pedestrian accidents are speeding, the location of the accident, and drivers under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

Many of these accidents are preventable, and Kentucky residents can work toward reducing the number of pedestrian accidents in a lot of ways.

Can We Reduce Pedestrian Accidents in Kentucky?

Yes! By understanding what causes pedestrian accidents and how both pedestrians and drivers can protect themselves from such lifechanging events, we can work together to reduce the number of pedestrian accidents and deaths throughout Kentucky.

Lexington saw a drop in pedestrian accidents in 2024, and we can continue to see that number fall.

How to Reduce Pedestrian Accidents

What Drivers Can Do

Because distracted driving is one of the main causes of pedestrian accidents, drivers should exercise safe driving practices, prepare themselves for their trip, and ensure that their cell phones are handsfree or muted.

Drivers can also reduce pedestrian accidents throughout Kentucky by avoiding driving under the influence. While this is something many drivers have heard before, there are still drunk driving occurrences throughout the state, and with ride share services, this is something that can and should be reduced even further.

Finally, one of the best ways drivers can help Kentucky reduce the risk of pedestrian accidents is to always exercise caution. Do your best to be aware of your surroundings. If you are on a high-traffic road, be aware of what other vehicles are doing. If a car in the next lane slows or stops, follow suit, and examine why that car may be stopping; a pedestrian may be trying to cross. Additionally, don’t drive at excessive speeds. If you’re speeding, you may not be able to stop in time should a pedestrian enter the road.

What Pedestrians Can Do

There are instances where a pedestrian can be found at fault for a pedestrian accident. However, there are ways that you can avoid getting hit by a car.

As with drivers, pedestrians should always be aware of their surroundings. If you receive a text message, find a safe place to stop walking before you read it and respond. Additionally, if you are often on sidewalks near busy roads, be sure to use crosswalks, even if it isn’t convenient. Follow the rules of the road as you’d expect drivers to follow the rules of the road.

While some pedestrian accidents aren’t avoidable, we can work to reduce the number of pedestrian accidents in Kentucky.

What to do If You’ve Been Hit by a Car

As with many types of car accidents, there are some steps you should take if you’re a pedestrian who has been hit by a car. This article, shows exactly what you should do and who is liable for accidents in both Kentucky and Tennessee. While your wellbeing should be your number one priority, if possible, document the scene and exchange contact and insurance information from everyone involved. If there were any witnesses, be sure to get their contact information and any statement they would like to make.

There are a lot of ways to protect yourself in the event of a pedestrian accident. One of the best things you can do is contact a personal injury attorney to help you understand your rights. Hughes & Coleman offers free case evaluations for all pedestrian victims in their time of need. Call us today to learn how we can help you. 800-800-4600.

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