How to Find a Car Accident Lawyer Near You

July 17, 2024

How to Find a Car Accident Lawyer Near You

If you’ve been in a car wreck, or even a fender bender, you know that things can get a little chaotic, and it’s easy to skip the proper steps to take to ensure that your rights are protected. Many people don’t even think about contacting a car accident attorney until several days after the wreck. That’s why it’s so important to be prepared before a wreck even occurs.

When it comes to car accidents, what you do immediately after the crash matters. Every piece of evidence you can collect in the initial moments after a car accident can help your car crash lawyer form a case for you. While this isn’t always possible, it could be the difference between a small cash settlement and the compensation you deserve.

In order to be prepared for the aftermath of a car accident, here are five things you should know before you call a car accident attorney near you.

What to do Before You Call an Auto Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been in a car accident, the very first thing you should be aware of is that you shouldn’t admit fault. Despite your perceptions of the accident, it’s important to protect yourself immediately. There will be additional evidence, including witness statements and the other driver’s statement, and this evidence can help you protect your rights as a victim.

Additionally, if you are able to move freely or an emergency medical technician has cleared you to move around, make sure to take pictures of absolutely everything, including the road or intersection where the accident occurred, the vehicles and structures involved in the wreck, and any injuries you may have sustained due to the accident.

While many think a small fender bender is no reason to prepare to call a car crash attorney, some injuries and property damage may not be apparent in the initial stages after the wreck, so taking a lot of pictures is important.

Next, you want to make sure to collect the other driver’s information. A name, phone number, and insurance information is standard to exchange after being in a wreck, even if you aren’t planning on calling an auto accident lawyer near you. Be sure to share your information with the other driver as well.

If police and emergency services didn’t respond to the car accident that you were in, be sure to file a police report soon after the accident happens. Give your statement and the other driver’s information to ensure that everything well documented. Additionally, it’s important to get checked out at the emergency room as soon as possible. As stated above, some injuries may not show up until well after the accident, so it’s important to get an examination to ensure you’re not more injured than you thought. This documentation can also help protect your rights as a victim.

Finally, you want to collect any additional evidence you can after the car wreck. If you have a Ring Dash Cam, be sure to save the footage of the accident in a file that is safe. Also, be sure to collect contact information of potential third-party witnesses who may have seen the accident.

When all of the evidence and proper documentation has been collected, it’s time to find a car wreck attorney near you.

How to Find the Best Car Accident Lawyer Near You

Car accident lawyers in your area are ready to help you, but it’s important to find one that is best for your needs. If you’ve experienced property damage to your vehicle and the contents within, you may find that a car accident lawyer that has experience in property damage is the best for you.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, and you need a lawyer to help you sort through the legal red tape and help you get the compensation you deserve, you may find that a personal injury attorney in your area will give you the best results.

But how do you find the best car accident lawyer near you?

A simple Google search can help with this, or perhaps seeing advertisements on TV with a jingle to help you remember their phone number can also give you what you’re looking for. However, one of the best things you can do to prepare for a car accident, is to research injury attorneys in your area BEFORE the accident occurs.

But how do you know if the car accident injury lawyers you found are credible?

How Do You Know if a Car Crash Attorney is Credible

The first thing to do when looking for a credible car accident attorney is to view their website. Most personal injury law firms will have a dedicated section for automobile accidents and how they help those who are injured. This is a great way to ensure that the firm you’ve found can help you if you were in a car accident and want to file a claim.

Next, look and see how long the firm has been operating. A long track record in the personal injury sector not only shows a law firm’s success in the courtroom, but also shows they work well with their clients.

The majority of personal injury law firms have client testimonials pages that go into great detail on how a client was treated and how the law firm helped them. This can help you understand how you will be treated as a client.

To go further into your research, you can look up bio pages of all of the personal injury attorneys in your area to help you gain an understanding of the types of attorneys you’ll be talking to. While you might not get a specific attorney you research, these bio pages will show you the quality of the lawyers hired by the firm, their missions, and their backgrounds. This will show you the caliber of car wreck lawyers.

How to Find Car Wreck Attorneys in Kentucky & Tennessee

Ask yourself what you really want from a car crash attorney. Do you want an attorney who has a history of getting higher recovery (settlement) amounts than insurance companies initially offer? Do you want a good lawyer for a car accident who cares about your wellbeing and your rights? Do you want an attorney who offers services beyond the judicial process? Do you want a car wreck attorney who is ready to help you and your family?

If you answered yes to all of these questions (or any of them), Hughes & Coleman has served Kentucky and Tennessee for over 35 years and counting, and they check all of the boxes. Not only will our attorneys help you work through the paperwork of the case, they’ll also go the extra mile to help you schedule doctor appointments and ensure that you and your family are comfortable throughout the process.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident in Kentucky or Tennessee, call Hughes & Coleman today for a free consultation 800-800-4600.

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