• The parties seen as the architects of the ongoing opioid crisis may be about to face a reckoning. However, the outcome for the individuals most affected by the epidemic remains uncertain. The opioid crisis has been on everyone’s lips for years. The disastrous effects of this deadly epidemic and the toll it took on American

  • May 19, 2016 When the Federal Drug Administration first approved Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) blood clot filters for medical use in the late 1970’s, the retrievable IVC filter was considered a huge breakthrough. For patients who were suffering from life-threating blood clot issues, but were unable to take blood-thinning medication, IVC filters became an increasingly

  • Jan 26, 2016 To reduce the risk of high blood sugar levels, some doctors prescribe Invokana®. Invokana® works by helping  the kidneys remove glucose from the blood stream. Individuals with high blood sugar levels have a greater risk of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.  If an individual doesn’t treat type 2 diabetes, they could