Road Running

January 6, 2017

The New Year is here, which will no doubt prompt many to start new fitness goals with some extra zeal. As a result, thousands of us will slip on a pair of running shoes in the coming weeks and give our bodies some much-needed TLC.

We encourage you to embrace this urge towards self-improvement and being more active, but at the same time want to ensure that you do so safely. Over 4,000 people die from traffic accidents while running or walking every year, according to The Active Times.

Just this past October, a woman was killed by a truck while jogging in the northern Kentucky suburb of Lakeside Park. The year before, a local Louisville running legend named Frank Robinson died at 82 after being hit by a car at an intersection. He was known for completing 38 consecutive Kentucky Derby Festival miniMarathon events from 1974 to 2011. Other, more gruesome stories see runners assaulted and even murdered.

So, while you should definitely follow your instincts to become more active, you should also follow your self-preservation instincts and heed the following running safety tips.


Wear Highly Visible Clothing

Those dayglo tracksuits from the ‘80s and ‘90s serve a higher purpose than making you look like you are in a Marky Mark music video. Being highly visible to vehicles is critically important, especially at night. Wear reflective strips if you intend to jog in the early morning or at dusk, and be aware of sections where the sun might be in drivers’ eyes.

Also make sure to wear shoes with new treads and good grip to prevent slipping.


Plan Routes Where You Are Safe from Cars

Ideally, the entirety of your jogging route will take place on a sidewalk or on trails away from traffic. When you do have to run on roads, run opposing traffic so that you can spot cars and get out of their way early. Always cross at crosswalks when given the go ahead by trafficsignals. Never attempt to cross busy roads outside of intersections, especially if those roads have a high speed limit and low visibility, such as where cars crest over a hill.

Try to identify areas of your route where things get hairy, such as a curb cars tend to get close to or a particularly dark stretch in the morning away from street lights. Use extra caution within these areas, and always note the behaviors of motorists, particularly ones that seem inattentive.


Stay Alert and Ready for Emergencies

Part of the appeal of running is getting “in the zone,” but you should be careful about zoning out too much. Avoid listening to loud music since it can prevent you from hearing danger cues like car horns or screeching brakes. Consider jogging with no music or just one earphone in.

You should also have a phone ready for emergencies at all times as well as a list of emergency contacts on hand. You never know what could happen.


Stick to Familiar Routes and Keep People Updated

Try not to venture into unfamiliar areas, and keep a consistent set of routes. A good best practice is to drive the entire route path with a friend, housemate, family member or significant other so that if anything happens, they know where to look for you. Let someone know every time you go out for a run.


What to Do If You Are in a Jogging Accident Despite These Running Safety Tips

Even with the safest practices in the world, careless drivers and other situations can cause you to get into a very serious jogging accident. If you have been injured during your run by a vehicle, hazard or any other scenario, do not hesitate to fight for your right to compensation.

Hughes & Coleman practices in Bowling Green, Elizabethtown, Lexington and Louisville, Kentucky as well as Clarksville, Gallatin, Nashville and Murfreesboro, Tennessee and all areas nearby. If you have been injured, give our award-winning personal injury lawyers a call today!

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